Saving Selections

Save Selection

After you have worked on making a selection, you save the selection for posterity. There are many ways to do this, we'll just cover one now and it will make a great transition to the next lesson. Saving the selection through the Select>Save Selection menu allows you to save the selection as a new channel called an Alpha Channel. Choosing Save Selection
brings up the dialogue box. Enter the name of the new channel, click OK and your selection is now saved.

After saving, go over to the Channels Palette and you will see your saved selection as the new channel at the bottom of the list. In this state, the channel is invisible but is available for use. If you want to bring your selection up again, click the icon of the image in the alpha channel while holding down the command key. Alpha channels are quite useful in making more complex selections and masks, we'll cover more about them in the next lesson.