Controling the Marquee


You can change the borders of a selection with the Select>Modify menu. Each option opens a pop-up box where you enter an amount of change.

Modify Action
Border basically creates a frame around your selection with the size based on the amount of pixels you enter. (see image, 10 pixel border created)
Smooth rounds off the edges of your marquee by the designated amount of pixels.
Expand grows the selection by the designated amount of pixels.
Contract shrinks the selection by the designated amount of pixels.


Choosing Select>Transform will place a bounding box around your selection similar to the the one we used with the Crop Tool. You can then push, pull and rotate your selection to the desired dimentions. Hit Return to commit the adjusted selection, hit Escape (esc) to go back to your original selection.

Other Options

We'll cover the other Select Menu options later.